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House Rules


At all times use common sense and be considerate of your fellow boaters. The Rules Committee has tried to use common sense to keep the Marina Rules to a minimum. With your cooperation, we won’t need more rules. Members or renters who violate these rules will be asked to modify their behavior to be compliant.  Repeated violation of any of these rules can result in being denied access to the marina and all of its property.


  1. We are a private member-owned Marina Association. Association Members and Renters in this marina are welcome. Invited guests are also welcome. All others should restrict their visit to the office.


  2. When a boat enters the Marina, the boat, crew and guests must comply with all rules set out herein.


  3. Movement of all watercraft within the confines of the Marina must be on a “no wake” basis.


  4. All Members and Renters must keep their boat(s) insured with complete marine coverage including liability. Boaters are responsible for damage caused            to other boats in the Marina or to the structures or facilities thereof. (refer to the Operational Handbook, page 5, Insurance, 2002-12-18)  


  5. Disruptive behavior and excessive noise – day or night – is not allowed. Total Quiet Hours are from Midnight to 8:00 am. Loud noise, music and voices              carry over water, and your neighbors are entitled to quiet enjoyment at all hours and to a peaceful night’s sleep. No fireworks or other noise-makers may        be set off on marina property at any time.


  6. Obscene, vulgar and crude language will not be tolerated on marina property.  This includes, but not limited to, spoken, written, signage and music. 


  7. Keep the docks and walkways clear of all obstacles and litter. Rewind and hang up hoses when not in use. Keep inflatable toys and rafts off the dock                walkways.


  8. Use a shutoff sprayer nozzle when washing your boat. Because our water pressure is low, always turn the water off when not actively using it.


  9. No part of your boat, including bow pulpits, railings, spotlights or anchors, should extend over the docks and walkways. Use spring lines when necessary.        If you leave lines on the dock, coil them neatly so others don’t trip on them.


10. Do not run boat air conditioners or heaters unless you are at the marina or staying overnight on your boat. Running A/C all week on unattended boats            increases our electric bill unnecessarily. Leave a port hole open or use a dehumidifier rod in lockers if mold or mildew is a concern. (refer to the                        Operational Handbook, page 7, Marina Business, 2005-06-16) 


 11. You are welcome to bring your dog and cat pets to the marina. You must keep them leashed when not on your boat and keep them quiet. You must                 always promptly clean up your pet’s waste.


  12. LP gas (propane) and electric grilling is allowed on your boat. Do not grill on docks, walkways or boat stairs. Never use charcoal grills. Keep a fire                    extinguisher in close reach whenever grilling.


 13. Swimming, diving, and fishing are not permitted anywhere on marina property. Exception: you may fish off the back of your own boat in your own slip.


 14. If you change your own engine oil, we have a depository for old oil in the Maintenance building. Do not leave waste oil in any other location on marina             property. Oil discharge in river waters is not allowed.


 15. While working on your boat on shore, clean up your work area daily. A drop cloth or tarp must be used when painting any part of your boat while on               marina property. Help keep our marina grounds clean.


 16. Place trash in the dumpsters and barrels provided for this purpose. Do not put trash in any other location. Toilet and holding tank waste must be                     emptied only at the Gas Dock pump out station.


 17. Parking of vehicles and/or trailers is at the risk of the owner. Only slip owners, renters and their guests may park on marina grounds. All others will be             towed at their own expense.


 18. Any addition or modification to the dock(s) must be approved by the Marina Manager.


 19. Dock boxes must not extend over the common walk area on the dock. Dock box placement must be approved by the Marina Manager. (refer to the                 Operational Handbook, page6, Docks, 2000-04-13)





Revised 6/15/21


451 Second St.
Prescott, WI  54021

Marker 811.2 on the Mississippi

(715) 262-5202


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